Inngest changelog
Improved Authentication
We've switched our authentication system to Clerk, which allows us to improve the security of our Cloud while also providing you with a couple of new features!
Longer Sessions: Were you annoyed that you had to sign in back into the Cloud Dashboard every other day? This was due to our user sessions expiring after 1 day. Now, thanks to Clerk, we've been able to extend this duration to 28 days without compromising the safety of those sessions.
Alternative Email Addresses: Like on GitHub, you can now add multiple email addresses to your Inngest user account. This allows you to sign in with any of your configured email addresses.
Active Device Monitoring: You can now see in the Cloud Dashboard which devices you're signed in and remotely sign out from them.
Custom Profile Picture: We now allow you to set a profile picture to your user account to make the Dashboard feel a bit more like home.
We have many more authentication-related features coming soon that we're excited to share with you.