Inngest changelog

Improved Authentication

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We've switched our authentication system to Clerk, which allows us to improve the security of our Cloud while also providing you with a couple of new features!

  • Longer Sessions: Were you annoyed that you had to sign in back into the Cloud Dashboard every other day? This was due to our user sessions expiring after 1 day. Now, thanks to Clerk, we've been able to extend this duration to 28 days without compromising the safety of those sessions.

  • Alternative Email Addresses: Like on GitHub, you can now add multiple email addresses to your Inngest user account. This allows you to sign in with any of your configured email addresses.

  • Active Device Monitoring: You can now see in the Cloud Dashboard which devices you're signed in and remotely sign out from them.

  • Custom Profile Picture: We now allow you to set a profile picture to your user account to make the Dashboard feel a bit more like home.

We have many more authentication-related features coming soon that we're excited to share with you.